Join now to watch it all.

Watch unlimited LGBTQ+ movies, TV shows and short films including Fearless Originals and over 1000 titles. Plus new stuff is added frequently.

Choose the plan that’s fits you.


Save $1/mo when you sign up instantly instead of starting on a Free Trial. Pay $6.99/mo for as long as you keep your membership.

You'll pay $6.99 USD today.

Then $6.99 USD /mo after.

You can cancel anytime.


Get the lowest price by paying annually. All the same features and benefits of subscribing monthly at a cost of just $4.99/mo.

You'll be charged $59.88 USD now.

And $59.88 every year thereafter. You can cancel anytime.

Truly unlimited.
Truly unlimited.

Unique movies, shows, and short films. Watch as much as you want for one low price. No upgrades or limits.

Queer as f*ck.
Queer as f*ck.

Content features gay, lesbian, bi, trans and other queer perspectives. Plus, a selection of content that is queer-friendly.

Fearless Originals & Excclusives.
Fearless Originals & Excclusives.

Watch content you can't find anywhere else including So That Happened, Extreme Actor and Brotherly Lies.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Fearless?

Fearless is the streaming service for every voice. With movies, shows and short films made by Fearless Creators, there's always something powerful and entertaining to watch. Plus, Fearless ensures that under-represented voices get spotlighted too including women, Black, Disabled, LGBTQ, and Indigenous voices.

What is included in my subscription?

Everything! Membership includes access to the entire Fearless catalog of movies, TV shows and short films including new content that is added frequently. 

*Note: sometimes there may be select titles not available in your region.

Can I cancel any time?

Yes! You can cancel and re-join at any time. When you cancel, we keep your account on hold so that when you re-join in the future, your watch history, comments and faves are still there. :)

Is Fearless for Kids?

No. While there are definitely some titles that may potentially be appropriate for kids, Fearless was designed as an adult-focussed streaming service and parents should take caution as many of the titles on Fearless are not appropriate for minors. Viewer discretion is advised.

Do you have closed captions / subtitles?

Yes, most of the titles in our library have captioning / subtitles available in English and often other languages including French and Spanish. 

Please note: because we work with independent filmmakers, sometimes those filmmakers have not provided us with subtitle files and so some titles may not have titles available either temporarily or ever.

What languages is the content in?

The vast majority of the library is in English. For titles not in English, typically English subtitles are available.

Watching movies & shows never felt so rewarding.

100% of the content on Fearless is made by independent artists, most of which get paid royalties when you watch their work. Every time you press play, you are supporting Fearless Creators with views, revenue or both. All at no additional cost to you.